iTELLian Academy

Don’t say goodbye

How’s going mate??

Recently I thought it started getting cold in Perth,but it’s not true.It’s too hot!! 38 degrees!! Seriously???

By the way, today I’ll write about farewell in Perth.

Fortunately, I’ve made a lot of friends in Perth,but everyone left here,so I had to say goodbye…no I just say see you but it’s difficult situations for me.

I always drive friends Airport, when they went back their country. Actually I was very sad after to see friends off. I’ve not got using to it.

2 weeks ago, my one of the best friend who is from Switzerland, she had left here. I was so sad I couldn’t do anything then haha,but I think I’m also very lucky,because I have many good experiences at the moment.When I was in Japan, I was not interested in Europe and South American,such as Brazil,but now I really want to go to these countries. I mean my mind is changed!! I will be able to meet them in their countries,and they give me motivation to study English!!

I just wanna say thank you for everyone!!

And thank you for reading my blog. 

Cheers mate.


Author IKEDA Shunsuke
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