iTELLian Academy

Flexible, engaging English teaching and learning with kahoots | Cambridge Live Experience

Flexible, engaging English teaching and learning with kahoots | Cambridge Live Experience


Now, more than ever, teachers and learners need effective, engaging but flexible resources that they can use together online, in the classroom, or for independent learning. Join us for an interactive demo on kahoots for English language learning.

Tell us what you’d like to see in this space and find out more about our Cambridge English kahoots for young learners.

Kahoots for young learners:

Visit our website for more support to help your return to your class with confidence:

Find out more about our wide range of resources and qualifications for teachers:

Author ごとう ひろみち

ようこそ。あなたの「英語ドリーム」を実現するために、iTELLian Academyを始めました。みんなの記事を楽しく読まさせていただいています!

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