iTELLian Academy






Live as if you were to die tomorrow.


Learn as if you were to live forever.


– Mahatma Gandhi



The Psychology of Performance
Learn how to use performance psychology and improve your mental, emotional, and physical game.
The Third Wave
Gain a wealth of wisdom and vision from Steve Case, one of America's most accomplished entrepreneurs, as he predicts the Third Wave of the Internet and how it will transform our lives
Law School for Everyone
Learn the fundamentals of U.S. law in 48 lectures delivered by four exceptional lawyers and professors.
Boosting Your Emotional Intelligence
Learn how to control your emotions and use them to help you achieve your goals with an awarding-winner professor.
The Art of Debate
Unpack the structure of a formal debate and apply it to all aspects of your everyday life.
Outsmart Yourself: Brain-Based Strategies to a Better You
See what a renowned neuroscientist reveals about controlling bad habits and boosting your well-being.
Big Data: How Data Analytics Is Transforming the World
Investigate the information revolution—which is changing everything from marketing to medical care—and learn how to put big data to use in your business and personal life.
Understanding Nonverbal Communication
Explore the role of nonverbal communication as it relates to understanding other people’s worldviews and interaction styles, led by a renowned expert in the field.
Medical School for Everyone: Pediatrics Grand Rounds
Uncover clues to figure out appropriate diagnoses in pediatric medicine led by a pediatrician and professor.
How to Program: Computer Science Concepts and Python Exercises
Learn one of the world’s most accessible computer languages, Python 3, from a professor at a top ranked university.
The Surveillance State: Big Data, Freedom, and You
Tackle the tough questions about surveillance and data in the 21st century with an esteemed legal expert and professorial lecturer, focusing on the crucial events that are happening around us right now.
The Hidden Factor: Why Thinking Differently Is Your Greatest Asset
Learn the strategies that make you a more diverse thinker and position you to break down institutional silos and build robust, effective teams, delivered by a pioneering researcher in his field.
Strategic Thinking Skills
Join an award-winning professor to learn accessible ways to engage with thinking that will help you think (and act) more strategically in business and in your own life.
Art of Teaching
Reshape the way you think about and approach teaching in this comprehensive course, delivered by award-winning professor and a distinguished teacher.
Learning Spanish
Experience the fastest and most direct way to learn Spanish—a beautiful and highly useful language—in this course that covers the curriculum of a first semester college course in Spanish.
How to Boost Your Physical and Mental Energy
Boost your sense of vitality by learning simple strategies and practical exercises that will help you make the most of your energy.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Techniques for Retraining Your Brain
Discover practical techniques for modifying undesirable behavior and managing your moods with this course that explains how and why cognitive behavioral therapy works.
How the World Learns: Comparative Educational Systems
Discover the unique ways some countries foster student achievement—and the circumstances that cause others to fall short.
Scientific Secrets for Raising Kids Who Thrive
Learn scientifically proven techniques for raising healthy, happy, and intelligent children in this course taught by a world-renowned child development expert.
The Art of Conflict Management
Equip yourself with the skills to handle conflict in a constructive manner with this course that teaches practical tips, tools, and techniques anyone can learn.
The Creative Thinker's Toolkit
Take a penetrating look into the workings of your mind and learn how to develop creative tools that will revolutionize your life, career, and hobbies.
The Art of Public Speaking
Learn how to prepare, craft, and deliver a great speech with this unique course that explores the principles of public speaking by examining the greatest speeches from history.
Influence: Mastering Life's Most Powerful Skill
Gain valuable knowledge that you can apply to your career or home life with this course that explains the psychology behind how and why people can be influenced.
How Conversation Works: 6 Lessons for Better Communication
Get instantly better at communicating by learning six specific strategies to overcome the trickiest and most common conversational obstacles that people encounter.
Your Deceptive Mind: A Scientific Guide to Critical Thinking Skills
Discover the science of cognitive biases and critical thinking and become a savvier, sharper critical thinker in your professional and personal life.
Effective Communication Skills
Learn how you can improve the way you communicate with others—especially by overcoming the psychological and biological hard-wiring that gets in the way.
How Ideas Spread
Gain insight into the fascinating world of viral trends and your own decision-making behaviors with this course taught by a best-selling author and professor.
Scientific Secrets for Self-Control
Gain more control over your life by understanding the biological mechanisms of self-control and applying scientific strategies to overcoming your brain’s hard-wiring.
The Art of Storytelling: From Parents to Professionals
Enhance the stories you tell every day in your personal and professional life by learning the methods experienced storytellers use to create and tell memorable tales.
How to Become a SuperStar Student
Give your student critical skills for success in school with advice on everything from homework and class participation to group presentations and preparing for tests.
Raising Emotionally and Socially Healthy Kids
Help your child form friendships, develop self-confidence, and cope with emotions with this course taught by a renowned psychologist.
Thinking about Cybersecurity: From Cyber Crime to Cyber Warfare
Learn how to protect yourself from cyber crime with this fascinating and timely course by an expert in cybersecurity law and policy.
Critical Business Skills for Success
Get a comprehensive guide to the five disciplines—strategy, operations, finance and accounting, organizational behavior, and marketing—taught in every MBA.
Building a Better Vocabulary
Improve your reading, writing, and speaking skills with this engaging course that will teach you new words and strengthen your confidence in your vocabulary.
The Art of Negotiating the Best Deal
Master key strategies and practical techniques for achieving your goals at the bargaining table in this powerful course taught by an acclaimed negotiator.
The Entrepreneur's Toolkit
Embark on your own business enterprise with the help of this course that provides a detailed roadmap for starting, nurturing, expanding, and eventually selling a business.
Mastering Stage Presence: How to Present to Any Audience
Learn to present your best self to the world in any setting in this practical, interactive course on the skills of performance taught by a professor of Acting and Directing.
Argumentation: The Study of Effective Reasoning
Learn the fundamentals of argumentation and build a foundation for communication and reasoning that will benefit you in every area of your life.
The Art of Critical Decision Making
Master the skill of decision making with this engaging and practical guide taught by an award-winning scholar of leadership, decision making, and business strategy.
Games People Play: Game Theory in Life, Business, and Beyond
Learn how to apply the precepts of game theory to help you make better decisions at work, home, or anywhere with this highly useful course taught by an award-winning professor.



I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman,


‘Where’s the self-help section?’


She said if she told me,


it would defeat the purpose.


– George Carlin



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