4. An eighteen year-old female arrives in the emergency room with a profound nosebleed. You are the physician, and you have stopped the bleeding. She is now in a coma from blood loss and will die without a transfusion. A nurse finds a recent signed card from Jehovah’s Witnesses Church in the patient’s purse refusing blood transfusions under any circumstance. What would you do?
学部入試のインタビューでは 具体的な代替手段を知っていることまでは求められていないと考えられるので、この場合は、
- · 同意確認書に血液成分の輸血の許可が書かれていないか確認する。
- · シニアに連絡を取って取るべき代替手段を確認する。
- · ガイドラインを確認する。
- · 医師へのヘルプラインがあれば連絡をとって指示を仰ぐ。
- · 近親者本人の意思確認ができる人と話す。カードにあるサインは本当に本人のものかも含めて患者さんの意思を知っているかどうかの確認。
大学でもたまにPatient Centred Care という単語に出会いますが、オーストラリアでは医療を受ける際には本人の意思が尊重されるので同意がなければ医療側は全く動けない印象。死んでしまうかも知れない人を前に輸血をしない決断を下すのはとてもストレスフルだと思いますが。
To achieve patient centred care, it is essential to get consent from the patient for a blood transfusion from the patient. Patients have to sign the form to refuse or accept the treatment to absolve medical staff from liability from a failure to administer the blood. This is the case for an adult Jehovah’s Witness patients who cannot give consent or refusal for a blood transfusion.
As patient carrying Medical Directive Card, I assume that the patient’s directive is disapproval for blood transfusion. To confirm the refusal, I will first try to talk with the person who can be mandated by the patients to the consent or dissent, such as her partner if possible. After that, I try to find out the unwillingness for blood transfusion means whole blood transfusion or partial blood component and seek the possibility for partial blood component transfusion by checking the card and talking the next of kin. If any blood transfusion is refused, I will find the advice from a senior doctor alternative treatment for this case. Getting back to the blood transfusion treatment guideline is also essential when it comes to exceptional cases. If no other senior doctor is available to seek the advice, I will call the helpline for the Jehovah’s Witnesses Patients.
If any ambiguous case, I will seek the advice for the situation from senior doctors, the local guideline, or helpline for this particular case to make a treatment plan. Knowing the limitation of my ability and seeking appropriate help will result in the safer practice for both patients and medical staffs.
NSW South Eastern Health District, Clinical Business Rule
目の前でゆっくりと自殺することを選択する患者さんを見ながら、何もできない自分の無力さとどう向き合うか。これは、特に総合医 General Practioner が日々直面する問題だと思います。
Patient Education の一環としてタバコの害のエビデンスを示すこともできると思いますが.。最終的な決断は本人次第ですしね。あなたのいうことなら聞いてみようか、というくらいの普段から積み上げた信頼関係があれば少しは違うんでしょうか。子育てにも通じる悩ましい問題だと感じます。
The following is my feedback to your answers.
* Appropriate vocabulary
* Sound logic
* relevant knowledge
>>Where you can improve
* Keep it simple and conversational (if this is an interview)
* Start with one sentence just describing your goal. (e.g. Firstly, I would place my utmost priority on the patient-centred care.)
* Then move on how you would achieve your goal.
>> Need to know
What interviewers are trying to assess is whether you have an ability to deal with the unknown situation.So, to do well with this kind of the interview, you first need to demonstrate you have a simple goal, and then show how you can appropriately achieve that goal.
>> My last advice
KEEP IT SIMPLE! They don’t expect you to solve the problem.
>> My approach
“I would place my utmost priority on the patient-centred care. To this end, I believe there are five things that need and can be done. First, I would strive to obtain a verbal consent from patient herself. If this fails, then it leads me to the second step, which is to check if the patient has expressed in writing against the blood transfusion……. Third, check whether patient had a capacity to sign the card…. Fourth, family consent or enduring power of attorney …. Lastly, I would seek help from senior doctors, guideline and helpline.”
So, true. Your work is nice and straightforward. I try to get out from self-complicated habit for clear communication. Thank you so much for the kind advice.