iTELLian Academy






30 words or less, tell us who you are.

A mature sonography student with basic health science knowledge. I immigrated ten years ago from Japan trying to build my career in Australia.

Describe the most important thing you have done in the past two years. Why was it so important?

 / 50 words

I had my second child through IVF this year. It was a special opportunity for me to experience how a patient feels in the current hospital in NSW. I strongly felt I must study and work hard to be a good doctor to be responsible for the patients’ care.

Outline some experiences that you would like to have in the next ten years.

 / 50 words

Obtaining fundamental knowledge and training in initial five years, exercise the leaning in actual setting following three years, then I want to be independent GP who can work for local community independently in the rest of 2 years. Also interested in researching project integrating the ten years.

Apart from your parents or guardians, identify the person who contributed the most to your success in life to date. In what way did they contribute?

 / 40 words

My friends and lecturers whom I met. Regardless of which area they are, I respect motivated hard working people. Great people make me feel humble and decide my mind to work hard to be a better person.

What makes you an outstanding candidate for our Medicine Program?

 / 30 words

To make a difference, I believe selection and focusing are important. I am a simple person but serious in my life. I am ready to devote myself to a demanding career.

Concluding statement (optional) 20 word

I wish to support patients’ QOL in Medicine since I am aware a dead end by experiencing close people’s death.

Author Koala
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