iTELLian Academy

英検2級ライティング問題の解き方 例題つき

英検2級ライティング問題の解き方 例題つき



Many people have smartphones. Do you think more people will own them in the future?

I believe that more people will own smartphones in the future. Firstly, a smartphone is a convenient tool that makes life easier. One could use a smartphone to talk with friends, search the web, and as a credit card. In addition, it is smaller and lighter than a laptop computer and it can easily be carried around. Secondly, a smartphone is such a powerful tool that the possibilities are endless. By downloading different applications, one can use a smartphone as a map, a gaming device and so on. Smartphones enrich our lives, so more people will own them in the future.

Author ごとう ひろみち

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