iTELLian Academy

英検準1級 ネイティブ(Natalie)から学ぶ二次面接試験問題 2/4

英検準1級  ネイティブ(Natalie)から学ぶ二次面接試験問題 2/4

British English with Natalie

Grade Pre-1 英検準1級

★May I have your card, please?
○Here you are.
★Thank you. Please have a seat.
○Thank you.
★My name is Taro Yamada. May I have your name, please?
○Sure. It’s Natalie Jones.
★All right, Miss Jones, this is the Grade Pre-1 test, okay?
★So, Miss Jones, could you tell me a little bit about yourself?
○Yes. I’m a university student. I’m studying travel and tourism.
★Sounds interesting. Do you ever go abroad during the spring vacation?
○Yes. I like to travel with my friends. We’re going to England this spring.
★Well, I hope you have a great trip. All right let’s start. Here’s your card.
○Thank you.
★You have one minute to prepare before you start your narration.
(after one minute)
★All right, please begin your narration. You have two minutes.

One day a woman was on her way to work. As she was walking from the station, a man in front of her was smoking. He accidentally burned her jacket with his cigarette. The next week, the woman took part in a campaign to stop people from smoking on the street. The campaigners were asking people walking by to sign a petition to support their cause, and some people were happy to do so. Six months later, the woman was pleased to see that some workmen were making a special smoking area near the station. Also, a sign had been put up to warn people that if they smoked while walking on the street, they would be fined 1000 yen. A few days later, however, the woman walked past the smoking area and saw a lot of smoke coming from it. Some other people walking by were coughing.

★Now, I’m going to ask you four questions. Are you ready?
★No 1 Please look at the fourth picture. If you were the woman, what would you be thinking?
○I’d be thinking, “Our campaign hasn’t solved the problem. It might be better to ban smoking in all public places. Maybe I should speak to the campaign organizers again.
★Miss Jones, please turn over the card and put it down.
★No 2 Should more be done to warn children about the dangers of smoking?
○I think so. Many people start smoking when they are young because their friends keep encouraging them to try it. But it’s important to tell them that smoking can cause cancer.
★No 3 Do you think that the crime rate in Japan will increase in the future?
○No. People are well aware of the dangers of crime, and they are involveed in efforts such as volunteer patrols to prevent it. These messures should help keep the crime rate down.
★No 4 Do you think that public opinion can influence decisions made by the government?
○Yes. The government needs the support of the public to get re-elected, so if enough peeople protest against something, the government has no choice but to listen.
★Well, that’s all Miss Jones. Could I have the card back, please?
○Sure. Here you are.
★Thank you. You may go now.
○Thank you. Good bye.
★Good bye.

英検準2級 ネイティブ(Natalie) から学ぶ二次面接試験問題 1/4
英検準1級 ネイティブ(Natalie) から学ぶ二次面接試験問題 2/4
英検1級 ネイティブ(Natalie) から学ぶ二次面接試験問題 Part 1 3/4
英検1級 ネイティブ(Natalie) から学ぶ二次面接試験問題 Part 2 4/4

Author ごとう ひろみち

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