
【過去問】 The outdoor concert was repeatedly interrupted by ( ) thunderstorms that came and went without warning.

【選択肢】1 apathetic 2 jubilant 3 exultant 4 sporadic


発音: ˌæpəˈθetɪk

出る順パス単:あり(apathy, 名詞もあり)


If you describe someone as apathetic, you are criticizing them because they do not seem to be interested in or enthusiastic about doing anything.

1. feeling little or no emotion; unmoved

2. not interested; indifferent; listless

【語源】 Etymology

“characterized by apathy,” 1744, apathetick, from apathy + -ic, on model of pathetic.




uncaring, disinterested



sb be apathetic

sb become apathetic

apathetic about sb/sth

apathetic to sb/sth

apathetic + noun

You become apathetic – not caring about anyone or anything.

If you’re someone who’s into this apathetic logical state, just living up here you will be forced to get in touch with the nuances.

Those who already find you attractive will most likely just give you an apathetic acknowledgement,
like “You look nice” or “Oh, good for you,” and nothing more because they think that you’re aware
of your own attractiveness and don’t need any reminding about it.

I think climate change causes the freeze response. I think that’s why a lot of people are, like, apathetic to it in a way.

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ごとう ひろみち

Author ごとう ひろみち

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