iTELLian Academy

MMI interview (Multiple mini-interview)

 ネット上に転がっているサンプル問題ですと、2分読んで8分かけて喋るというもの。やってみるとなかなか8分喋るネタを2分で組み立てるのは難しい。2分間で問題を読んで自分の意見をサクッと答えると150 wordsぐらいで終わってしまって、1、2分で答え終わってしまう浅い答えしかすぐに浮かばない。1時間ぐらい粘ってやっと500 wordsぐらいの内容がひねり出せる。それでも4分ぐらいで喋り終わってします。これをその場で時間いっぱい 持たせるって大変だと。かなり多面的に意見を整理して述べないと途中でネタ切れして無言になってしまうでしょう。内容に関しては、実際に受けた人に聞いてみたいところですが、ネット上のサンプル問題をみると、


·      ピザの配達バイト中に人が倒れていて、30分以内に配達しないとただという条件で仕事をしている。前も間に合わないことがあったので、今度遅れると仕事を失うかもしれないどうしよう。


·      学校の授業以外で身につけたあなたのキャリアに役に立つであろうという経験について語れ。


·      Multiple Sclerosisに関する新しい医療技術(Liberation Therapy)に関して、深刻な批判が巻き起こっている。新技術導入の際の医療制度の認可をする人として新技術の利点と欠点に着目してどう対応する?


·      留学生が田舎に配属されることによって、自国の医学生が田舎のスポットが少なくなってしまっている(カナダで)問題。どう思いますか?




1問目のピザのバイトの問題に関して私の意見をあげときます。この答えの内容だと 5分足らずで喋り終わって8分にも満たないので、もう少し掘り下げる必要があると思いますが。みなさんはどう思われますか?(英語の訂正もあれば是非ともよろしくお願いします。)


Q.  Joe is a pizza delivery worker. The pizza shop he works for has 30 minutes or less delivery guarantee or else the customer does not have to pay. On Joe’s most recent delivery, he spots a woman who appears to be injured. There is no one else around and the woman seems to be unable to move by herself. However, Joe knows that if he returns empty handed again, he will be fired from this job which he most desperately needs. What do you think Joe should do? Justify your solution in terms of practical and ethical considerations.



A. In this case, Joe has to sort the dilemma between responsibility for the job and first aid.  Though job requirement is essential, appropriate first aid given can be a lifesaver for the patient.


In an emergency, the first witness for the patient’s problem is recommended to follow the action plan, DRS ABCD, which is the procedure assessing whether a patient has any life-threatening conditions and if any immediate first aid is necessary. Firstly, checking the DANGER, secondly check the response, thirdly send for help (calling for emergency), then open airway, check the breathing, start CPR, then apply defibrillation. As a first witness, the priority for him is following this procedure. His call to emergency services should be recorded. He could use the record as proof of his first aid action if his behaviour is a matter of concern later on between him and his boss.


His usual attitude for the job is also meaningful in this situation. From the given sentences, it is not the first time for him to return empty handed. The right job attitude gives him creditability but also a possibility to be thought of in another way. However, the most effort an employee can make is to build an excellent general working history. So, the effort to keep up the usual performance in his job is also essential.


The next important thing he has to do is report his situation to his boss immediately after giving first aid. It is vital for the workplace to share the case between all the staff especially when it comes to unusual circumstances. As a staff member, he has to report his delivery responsibility within the committed time could not be possible and seek instructions from his boss and follow the instructions he receives.  This enables his boss to contact the customer and explain the extraordinary situation and for them to get some understanding of the breach of the delivery time limit.


In a nutshell, Joe’s priority is to give possible life saving first aid compared to his job responsibilities. Duty as the primary aid giver is superior to the responsibility as a pizza delivery worker. However, each communication is crucial for him to deal with this situation and his usual behaviour as a delivery person will support his creditability for this situation.






Author Koala
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