インターン医師に募集する人は、病院での医師としての仕事をこなせる能力が身についていることを示すエッセーを書いて提出する。申請書で求められる能力はつぎの3つで、1つのエッセーについて500 wordsを書いて提出する。人なりや経験を推し量れる部分になるので、とても重要視される。
- Ability to work effectively in a healthcare environment. In your answer, provide examples of good interpersonal skills, an ability to work in a multidisciplinary environment and good organisation and time management skills.
- Commitments to working in Western Australia to promote, protect, maintain and restore the health of the people of Western Australia. Indicate how these commitments have influenced your decision to choose your hospital of first preference.
- Commitment to continued learning and academic excellence.
Personal details
- Full name, residential/postal address, home/mobile phone number and email address.
- Optional: date of birth.
- Medical degree (MBBS/ MD) – include institution, country and year obtained.
- List other degrees/qualifications (e.g. Master of Public Health).
Bridging programs/qualifying examinations
- IELTS or OET exams – include date and results.
Work/practise history
- List positions in reverse chronological order (i.e. list your current/most recent job first) – include dates, position title, organisation (including name and location), responsibilities (including whether position was full-time/part-time and if part-time include hours worked per week).
- Student placements – provide in reverse chronology.
- Educational experiences
- Include courses, conferences or seminars attended which enhance your ability to work as an intern.
Practical skills
- List procedures which you are familiar with.
- IT competencies (i.e. Microsoft Office Package, iSoft, TMS etc).
Volunteer work
- Include clinical volunteer work, such as disaster relief, work in underdeveloped areas, or work with disadvantaged groups.
Research and professionalism
- Published work, research/audits, formal teaching roles, conference presentations, memberships of relevant bodies.
Extra-curricular activities (optional)
- Only list things which will enhance your clinical ability or humanitarianism.
- Additional languages are useful.
Details of referees
- You are encouraged to provided two referees that are previous clinical supervisors (i.e. RMO, registrar, consultant, nurse, allied health etc.) or one previous clinical supervisor and one Academia referee.
- Include referees’ full name, role, working/professional relation to you, postal address (optional), email address and contact phone number/s.
- Do not provide the names of referees without gaining their consent first.
現地の学生はとくに申請するものはないが、ぼくのように移住してきた人や、海外からの留学生などは、英語言語能力の証明書を提出する必要がある。いくつかの選択肢が与えられており、そのなかのひとつをクリアすればよい。一番身近なものはIELTS Academic 平均7.0ではないだろうか。その他の条件を知りたい方は、こちらをどうぞ。