- 一般内科 (General Medicine)(リンク)
- 移植外科 (Transplant Surgery)(リンク)
- 救急医療 (Emergency Medicine)(リンク)
- 急性疾患医療 (Medical Assessment Unit)(リンク)
- 整形外科 (Orthopaedic Surgery)(リンク)
全てのローテーションで合格すると、最終的に雇い主の病院側からオーストラリア医療管理会(Australia Health Practitioner regulation agency)にインターン医師プログラムの合格通知が通達される。
インターン医師の医師免許は Provisional registration と呼ばれ、文字通り仮免である。その仮免を正式な免許 General registration に書き換えるために、インターン医師は手続きを行わなければならない。
オーストラリア医療管理会(Australia Health Practitioner regulation agency)のホームぺージからオンライン申請ができる。
Consent to nationally coordinated criminal history check
I authorise AHPRA and the National Board to carry out a nationally coordinated criminal history check for the purpose of assessing this application.
I acknowledge that:
a complete criminal history, including resolved and unresolved charges, spent convictions, and findings of guilt for which no conviction was recorded, will be released to AHPRA and the National Board,
my personal information will be extracted from this form and provided to the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) and Australian police agencies for the purpose of conducting a nationally coordinated criminal history check, including all names under which I am or have been known
my personal information may be used by police for general law enforcement purposes, including those purposes set out in the Australian Crime Commission Act 2002 (Cth),
my identity information provided with this application will be enrolled with AHPRA to allow for any subsequent criminal history checks during my period of registration
if and when this application for registration is granted, AHPRA may check my criminal history at any time during my period of registration as required by the National Board for the purpose of assessing my suitability to hold health practitioner registration; or in response to a Notice of Certain Events; or an application for Removal of Reprimand from the National Register,
I may dispute the result of the nationally coordinated criminal history check by contacting AHPRA in the first instance
If I provide the National Board details of an English language test I have completed, I authorise the National Board to use the information I provide to verify those results with the test provider.
I understand the test provider may be overseas.
I consent to the National Board and AHPRA making enquiries of, and exchanging information with, the authorities of any Australian state or territory, or other country, regarding my practice as a health practitioner or otherwise regarding matters relevant to this application.
I acknowledge that:
the National Board may validate documents provided in support of this application as evidence of my identity, and
failure to complete all relevant sections of this application and to enclose all supporting documentation may result in this application not being accepted.
notices required under the National Law and other correspondence relating to my application and registration (if granted) will be sent electronically to me via my nominated email address
AHPRA uses overseas cloud service providers to hold, process and maintain personal information where this is reasonably necessary to enable AHPRA to perform its functions under the National Law. These providers include Salesforce, whose operations are located in Japan and the United States of America.
I undertake to comply with all relevant legislation and National Board registration standards, codes and guidelines.
I understand that personal information that I provide may be given to a third party for regulatory purposes, as authorised or required by the National Law.
I confirm that I have:
met the English language skills pathway requirements indicated on this form, and
read the privacy and confidentiality statement for this form.
I declare that:
the above statements, and the documents provided in support of this application, are true and correct, and
I am the person named in this application and in the documents provided.
I make this declaration in the knowledge that a false statement is grounds for the National Board to refuse registration.
1型糖尿病を持つ、48歳です。QLDのHeavy Combinationの免許を保持しています。
Condition Mの為の年一回の紙が送られてきました、通常なら、JetStarで直ぐなのですが、
QLDの主治医は、Paul Bartley と Anna Thomasの2人です。通常はE-mailで予約を取り、
Stones Cornerの診療所に行っています。何か良い方法があれば、教えてください。