Working with Children Checkとは何か?
The Working with Children Check (WWC Check) is a compulsory screening strategy in Western Australia and the Christmas and Cocos (Keeling) Islands.
The WWC Check aims to protect children by:
- deterring people from applying to work with children where they have a relevant charge or conviction on their criminal record that indicates they may harm a child;
- detecting new charges and convictions of those people who hold a current WWC Card and preventing them from continuing to engage in child-related work where their criminal record and behaviour indicates they may harm a child; and
- protecting children by creating awareness that safeguarding children is a whole of community responsibility.
簡単な説明をすると、Working with Children Checkは、あなたに児童虐待や小児性愛などの犯罪歴があるかどうかを判定するシステムである。
話がディベートに発展する前に、Working with Children Checkの手続きについて話をしようと思う。